

Schedule Generator App

A desktop application to interact with my schedule generator algorithm. The algorithm is written in Python and generates master and student timetables. I am proud of the algorithm I devised to solve this complex real-world problem.



School Management API

I have developed an API to manage an entire school, keeping track of students and staff details. With the potential to be expanded upon more, I have yet to find the time to further develop this API, but I used this project to deepen my understanding of the programming language Go, API development, and clear documentation.



Lines Police CAD

Lines Police CAD is a website service built with Node.js utilizing Express.js and the MongoDB frameworks. With over half a million users, I have contributed new features, bug fixes as well as serving general tech support.


DayZ Reforger Bot

Another Discord bot I have developed for a game, greatly displays my ability to work on large scale projects, with modularity, and expandability in mind. This project focuses on parsing data, storing data, and providing this data in an appealing way to users. With many key features built on top of the parsed data from the game server.




An old programming project that introduced me into the valuable world of web applications. The XP-System was a way for teachers to create assignments for students, and for students to gain XP from completing assignments, unlocking levels to make the learning experience more fun and interactive with their peers.




I am not a huge fan of UI design, but I am a fan of minimalistic design, and this portfolio is just that. Simple, minimalistic, and sleek for the eye. Displaying my projects and sharing about me.
